Grounded Chiropractic


Dr. Kyle Laughlin D.C. utilizes a holistic approach to patient care specializing in functional medicine, acupuncture, NET, and eastern medicine philosophy.

Dr. Kyle takes a traditional approach to chiropractic care while also using applied kinesiology principles and visceral manipulation when indicative.


Dr. Kyle Laughlin D.C. utilizes a holistic approach to patient care specializing in functional medicine labs, acupuncture, NET, and eastern medicine philosophy.

Dr. Kyle Laughlin blends eastern and western acupuncture theories to build a treatment plan catering to the patients individual needs. Acupuncture can help with pain relief, stress, insomnia, and more.

Functional Medicine Consult

Dr. Kyle Laughlin D.C. utilizes a holistic approach to patient care specializing in functional medicine labs, acupuncture, NET, and eastern medicine philosophy. Dr. Kyle is passionate about helping patients utilize the full scope of alternative medicine by guiding patients with advanced lab testing. Using blood labs, digestive testing, muscle testing and more, Dr. Kyle helps patients uncove... Read More

Dr. Kyle Laughlin D.C. utilizes a holistic approach to patient care specializing in functional medicine labs, acupuncture, NET, and eastern medicine philosophy.

Dr. Kyle is passionate about helping patients utilize the full scope of alternative medicine by guiding patients with advanced lab testing. Using blood labs, digestive testing, muscle testing and more, Dr. Kyle helps patients uncover the root of their illness.

(A functional medicine consult does not include the cost of labs ordered or recommended for further treatment.)

NueroEmotional Technique

Dr. Kyle Laughlin utilizes his certification in NeuroEmotional Technique to find specific imbalances in the body related to emotional stressors and tie them with a patients chief complaint of their choosing. Using traditional Chinese medicine theory blended with physiology principles we can uncover meridian imbalances and original events to help reduce a patient's pain or stress. This techniq... Read More

Dr. Kyle Laughlin utilizes his certification in NeuroEmotional Technique to find specific imbalances in the body related to emotional stressors and tie them with a patients chief complaint of their choosing. Using traditional Chinese medicine theory blended with physiology principles we can uncover meridian imbalances and original events to help reduce a patient's pain or stress. This technique is great for someone who is struggling with reoccurring health imbalances related to stress or outside events.

Dr. Kyle Laughlin has a passion for combining eastern and western healing philosophies and applying them to treat chronic health conditions. Kyle takes a mind, body, spirit approach when treating patients and has had many successful outcomes approaching complex medical cases utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine, meridian and emotional theories. Kyle currently holds a B.S. in Exercise Science, 200hr Yoga teacher training, 100hr acupuncture training, a certification in NueroEmotional Technique and just graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic last year. When Kyle isn’t practicing he is gardening, doing yoga and spending time in nature.

Dr. Kyle Laughlin has a passion for combining eastern and western healing philosophies and applyi... Read More

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